Restore logging settings to default values for all components

  1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the Servers and components menu, expand BlackBerry Solution topology > BlackBerry Domain > Component view > Logging.
  2. Click the instance that you want to restore to default values.
  3. On the Logging details tab, click Edit instance.
  4. Click Reset logging defaults.
  5. Click Save all.
  6. For the changes to take effect, perform any of the following actions to restart the BlackBerry Enterprise Server services:
    • To restart services other than the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the Servers and components menu, locate and restart the services that you restored to default values.
    • To restart the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the computer that hosts the BlackBerry Administration Service, in the Windows Services, restart the BlackBerry Administration Service - Native Code Container service.