Create a software configuration

  1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand Software.
  2. Click Create a software configuration.
  3. In the Configuration information section, in the Name field, type a name for the software configuration.
  4. In the Disposition for unlisted applications drop-down list, perform one of the following actions:
    • To permit users to install applications that are not included in the software configuration on their BlackBerry devices, click Optional.
    • To prevent users from installing applications that are not included in the software configuration on their BlackBerry devices, click Disallowed.
  5. In the Application control policy for unlisted applications drop-down list, click the application control policy for unlisted applications that you want to assign to the software configuration.
  6. Click Save.
After you finish: Add BlackBerry Device Software configurations and BlackBerry Java Applications to the software configuration.