Outgoing Call Redirection IT policy rule


This rule specifies how a BlackBerry device redirects outgoing calls automatically. When you set this rule, a BlackBerry device user can place a call to a phone number and the device redirects the call to another phone number automatically. For example, you can use this rule to forward a 411 call to your organization's help desk or a long-distance number to a toll-free number. This rule applies to all outgoing calls.

To forward outgoing calls on devices, you must configure the value of this rule using the remap0<search_prefix>,<replace_prefix>,<min_count>,<max_count> format.
  • <search_prefix> is the prefix in the phone number that the device must match or replace
  • <replace_prefix> is the new prefix or new phone number that the device must use
  • <min_count> is the minimum number of digits that must follow the prefix for the match between the phone number and <search_prefix> to be valid
  • <max_count> is the maximum number of digits that must follow the prefix for the match between the phone number and <search_prefix> to be valid

Valid characters for <search_prefix> and <replace_prefix> are numbers zero to nine (0 to 9), the asterisk (*), the number symbol (#), and the plus sign (+), where the plus sign is the international code placeholder. The value of <min_count> cannot exceed <max_count>.

Consider the following examples:
  • To configure a device to add the number one and area code to *7654321 so that the device can forward a call to (1) (519) 765-4321, type remap0,*,1519,7,7.
  • To configure a device to forward 411 calls to your organization's help desk, type remap0,411,+15191231234,0,0.
  • To forward an international phone number to a toll free phone number, type remap0,+447700001111,18770001111,0,0.

Default value

  • Null value

Minimum requirements

  • BlackBerry Device Software 5.0

Rule introduction

  • BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 SP2